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JustinRossTso (Offline)
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Futon in North America? - 08-17-2011, 10:45 PM

Hey guys, currently I'm revamping my room for University and well the thought of getting a Futon seemed interesting. I currently have a queen sized bed (it the the only spare bed at the time and I only use maybe 1/4 of the bed).

My main question is what the retail price of a single sized futon would be and if it's possible to get it at a store or something in Canada.

My main reason for getting one is because I don't like springs (from the bed) and the only time I use my bed is when I'm sleeping, so I'd much rather have more space to do other things .

Is it comparable to sleeping on the floor with a sleeping bag? And... could you use a Futon on hard wood floor instead of Tatami?

Thanks ! Hope someone has some insight for this, and I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of this.
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