Originally Posted by OzukakiBurasuki
I'm back again.  I have some more sentences, but I need some understanding on these for now. Sorry if I go comma-crazy, but the book is doing do, too.
There are lots of foreign teachers in my college.
「たくさん外国の先生が私の大学にいます。」 (Does 外国の先生 fit for foreign teachers, or is that wrong?)
I think 外国人の先生 is better, but I wouldn't take KyleGoetz's word for it.
The college is to the left of the bank.
「大学は銀行の左です。」 (just need this one checked :P)
This is correct. Other people might say 左にあります though.
Go out the east exit and go to the right, please.
「東口を出て、右へ行ってください。」 (へ could be interchanged with に, right, since both are considered "goals of movement"? Or does へ sound better?)
Yes, you can use へ or に. There's a subtle distinction, but you don't really need to know it at this stage. Suffice to say that you can pretty much always replace へ with に and still remain correct (although you can't go the other way always!). When dealing with directional movement, they're nearly interchangeable. に connotes a bit more purpose as to the destination. Don't worry about getting it yet. It's not really that important at your stage. Also, you might learn the verb まがる, which means "to turn." 左にまがる = "to turn to the left."
The restaurant is near the south exit.
「レストランは南口のそばです。」 (Does this sound right?)
I think にあります instead of です is better. I can't say for certain whether yours is
wrong though. I do know にあります is definitely a correct way, though. It's the way I was taught.
I ate pizza and drank wine at the restaurant.
「私はピザを食べて、お酒を飲みました。」 (Where would レストランで be placed in this? after 私は I am assuming?)
Correct. Also, wine = ワイン. おさけ = alcohol. And you're correct about the positioning of レストランで. Sentence order is way more flexible in Japanese than in English. Heck, you could just say レストランではピザを食べて、ワインを飲みました。
I waited for twenty minutes at the north exit.
「私は北口で二十分間待ちました。」 (Since it is the duration of twenty minutes, 廿分間 is okay?)
You don't use 間 here. 二十分 is correct. 間 goes with 時 when talking about hours, 年, 週, etc. Not with 分 though. I would not use 廿 for 20, though. It might look a bit pretentious, but I'm not sure. I don't really encounter 廿 often. Play it safe and just do 20 or 二十.