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(#84 (permalink))
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DragonNL (Offline)
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08-18-2011, 12:17 AM

I'm watching a documentary about Seoul right now. A few moments ago there where a few Japanese tourists on screen that said something like: "With Japanese pop it's more about the melody, with Korean pop you can dance better."
I haven't thought about it that way.. But it's true.

But anyway, it's really close, but I like Japanese pop more. Because from what I know, Japanese pop has more variety. It also seems more unique, and I like the language more.

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
Whichever is better depends on your taste and level of education (believe it or not).
Wichever is better depends on your level of education?! Do you even believe that yourself? I listen to every possible kind of music, including things like this: Ryoji Ikeda - Data.Microhelix - YouTube And I love every style just as much. And everyone at my school, even everyone at the same class had a completely different musical taste. How would you explain that then?

Last edited by DragonNL : 08-18-2011 at 12:21 AM.
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