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JohnBraden (Offline)
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08-18-2011, 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by DragonNL View Post
Ofcourse there are good and bad people in Japan, but aren't there more good people in Japan than in Western countries?
That would be very hard to prove. Americans have good hearts. Just look at all the money they donate to many causes all over the world. When disasters strike, they get together and support each other. (Katrina showed us how bad the government can get, not the people) Yes, there will be bad apples everywhere, but most are decent, kind-hearted people.... As with every country in the world, there are those who seem to ruin it for others, but I don't think any one country is kinder than any other.

Last edited by JohnBraden : 08-18-2011 at 02:46 PM.