Originally Posted by blutorange
I am not absolutely certain, but what I understood is:
maximum kanji version:
但し、儂等に出来るのは其れ迄じゃ。共に戦う事は出来 ぬ。
normal kanji version:
ただし、わしらにできるのはそれまでじゃ。共に戦うこ とはできぬ。
ただし、わしら にて のは それ まで じゃ。 と も に たたかう こと は できぬ。
However, we can only do this much. We cannot fight by your side.
Could anyone check? Did he say わしら (we), or just わし (I)?
May I ask the name of this show?
He says
It means "However, that is the extent of the assistance we can provide. We cannot join in your fight."