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OHayou (Offline)
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Location: Ohio
08-20-2011, 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by japan1234567 View Post
I saw with my own eyes how often disrespectful insolent candidates got the job than better qualified polite candidates!
I guess we have to define what "disrespectful" and "insolent" mean. "Disrespectful" to who? "Insolent" to who? The reason "nice guys finish last" is not because it's not good to be a "nice" guy but a lot of "nice guys" don't have an opinion, a voice, and are afraid to rock the boat. In career OR relationships.
Originally Posted by japan1234567 View Post
The truth is that many executives choose the candidates who are having same interest like them! It depends on the personality and the level of the executive.
I guess this goes for a lot of us right!? We typically try to seek out people who are very similar to us but it's not necessarily a good thing. It's a weak center based on insecurity to try to exclusively surround yourself with people who are exactly like yourself. Diversity is what makes a relationship strong in either career or relationship.

Originally Posted by japan1234567 View Post
Surely a nonserious executive won't choose a perfect and a very serious candidate. Don't worry, just keep your level. It's never a good idea to work for nonserious executive! This relation won't last...
I see opinion and not fact. I know a lot of business owners who would laugh at the "perfect and a very serious candidate" because if you knew that then you have a great talent. Most people put on their "representative ass kicking persona" when applying for a job. Job execution is an entirely different thing. Besides...'very serious' and 'dedicated' are very different things. Some companies and executives LIKE outgoing, party type personalities while others like very introverted, serious personalities. How can we standardize this?
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