Originally Posted by Umihito
Is Japan a patriotic country?
In America, you'd be pressed to just travel a few blocks without seeing an American flag flying somewhere, and finding someone who doesn't show at least a little patriotism for their country.
I don't know what part of the country you have visited, but I am from Chicago and I can't remember the last time I have seen a random flag being flown (random as in not a country holiday or at a sporting event). Nor do I hear how proud people are to live here. A lot of times, I hear it in jest, if anything. Then again, like I said, I live in a city... where all the liberal scum reside :P
While in the UK, I don't really see anyone talking patriotically, and there certainly aren't many flags flying in my area.
I've lived in and have visited England many times. The English as a *state* seemed VERY patriotic; especially when it came to other people from the UK (i.e. vs the Irish). Other than that, I haven't really witnessed it much there either (but again, I was mostly in London, so who knows how the rest of the country feels/acts). Also, I have never seen so many flags displayed in my life during the world cup. Yes, a sporting event, but I am talking houses and cars COVERED in flags and such. It was actually pretty cool
Oh, where do you come from, and are you patriotic? As said I'm from the UK, and I would consider myself a minor patriot.
I would not consider myself patriotic AT ALL and consider it a general sign of weakness. There is a difference in loving where you came from and taking PRIDE in it. I love my life, where I live and how I was raised. But that is because it will always be a part of who I am. I swear no allegiance and have an OBVIOUS interest in many other lands and cultures.