Thread: Patriotism
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DragonNL (Offline)
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08-21-2011, 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
i find myself actually frustrated with american patriotism sometimes, seeing how half of people don't know what they are talking about - specially when it comes to america being no.1 or the freedom they have. let's just say americans have the largest population of people who are blind to governments doings and love to yell to people who critique it "well, then you don't love america!"
I feel the same way. I don't hold any grudges against the American people, but the majority is indeed a bit blind. And that frustrates me... The following pieces say enough;

Recent polls show a global approval rating for WikiLeaks of over 80%. Except in the US. There it's about half. Certainly the corrupt government of Barry 'Okey Dokey' Obama got a lot of flak because of leaks but what about the governments and the peoples of the northern African states on the Med? They were glad to find out how corrupt their governments were. They're amongst the most supportive.
Harry Truman gave one single press release after the US murdered 200,000 people in Hiroshima. It's a military base, he said. And they were done with it. Obama's however been skiing slalom through all his bungling lies about Abbottabad and he can't seem to get his story straight.
This same 'Okey Dokey' president flew to Oslo Norway to accept the tribute of the Nobel Peace Prize even as he escalated another in a long line of wars of aggression and shoved off an additional 30,000 grunts to killing fields.

Does that leave an impression on the people in the US? Hardly.
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