08-22-2011, 03:30 AM
I don't believe in having sex with prostitutes. I'm also too cheap to pay top dollar for expensive "Top Goods" let alone pay for cheap disease ridden whores. But I do think it's about time prostitution to be legalized and somehow monitored by some unionized health control if you will. I have no better name for it. That way prostitution health issues atleast are taking care of.
Like I said I don't believe in having sex with prostitutes. I have had girlfriends in the past enough to even say, sometimes (and I mean sometimes and NOT ALWAYS) it would be nice just to have sex and not hear or say a word to one another. Sometimes too much nagging or putting up with too much is just too much. But that's just me. Sometimes I just find that being in a relationship can be very frustrating. Other than that, if I am not having sex at least I still happen to have 2 hands....... and I know I am not the only one.