The Bloomberg National Poll of adults 18 and over showed that 40% of Tea Party supporters are 55 or older, compared with 32% of all poll respondents; 79% are white, 61% are men and 44% identify as "born-again Christians",[76
So mostly made up of old white guys who believe in religious fairytales.
An October 2010 Washington Post canvass of 647 local Tea Party organizers asked "which national figure best represents your groups?" and got the following responses: no one 34%, Sarah Palin 14%, Glenn Beck 7%, Jim DeMint 6%, Ron Paul 6%, Michele Bachmann 4%
And if they have to choose someone who best represents their groups they'd choose Sarah Palin??? LOL!! Yeah she's a real beacon of hope for the intelligentsia of America! LOL
And they are still calling for tax cuts even though the debt issue in the US is getting ridiculous. Nutters. Religious nutters at that. Last thing we need in the world at the moment is more religious nutters.