Originally Posted by MissMisa
I think it's lovely that they [generally] love their country, and they are happy enough to call it the best in the world. That is not brainwashing. I also hear Americans being the most outspoken about the flaws in their own country, INSIDE their country. But when faced with critisism from outside I actually like how they all come together to defend their country.
I think it's weird of you to complain about needing a degree in America when your OMG SO PERFECT JAPAN is worse for it's super emphasis on education and getting a degree. Not that I think it's bad, I just think that's a pretty hypocritical thing to say.
I was a lot like this; I looked for every single flaw in my country and I remember when I left the US to travel around Europe and Asia, I thought, "Good riddance, America!". But I got bashed quite often by a lot of Europeans; even got kicked out of several bars for being an American. And I realized after a year of being away how grateful I was for having been born and raised in the US. I remember when I was a kid, I'd bash America a lot, despite being American; about Bush, the wars we flung ourselves into, etc. But I do stand by America and am extremely proud to be an American. A lot of us do have a great sense of patriotism, especially when we are bashed. We came together and all felt sorrow during 9/11, helped out those in need during the hurricanes and tornadoes we went through, and the list goes on. It's not brainwash; it's a sense of wanting to defend and honor your own. If you find fault in that, then that's a bit depressing.
And if you (not you Misa) guys think that the soldiers who join the military do it solely because they're upset about Iraq or are in need of money, you're sorely mistaken. Unless you have a lot of friends in the US military, I'd shut your mouth. They put their lives on the line for us every day. Not too many people would be willing to get sent to Iraq only to have themselves blown up with just a tag and flag sent to their husbands, wives, and family. Sure, some of them join for the wrong reasons but not all of them are nearly as shallow as you think they are, and it's pretty ignorant for you to think otherwise.