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(#19 (permalink))
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DragonNL (Offline)
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08-26-2011, 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
European countries can be at each other's throats with very little provaction..they have thousands of years of blood between them and they all know it. Sure it's Peaceful now, but don't think old grudges are passed away, look how Serbia and Kosovo went at it...and that was because of bad blood from the 1300's.
Well, I don't know about Serbia, but at least all the countries that are in the EU are fine. The only people that still have grudges against other countries are some people that have lived in the time of WW2. With all other people the grudges ARE passed away. UK, Holland, Belgium, Germany, France .... we have put the past behind us.
I love Germans just as much as the Dutch. For example when our country has to play football against Germany, I'm actually cheering for Germany.
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