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masaegu (Offline)
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08-26-2011, 01:43 AM

Originally Posted by KellyMD View Post
Sorry to bother again, but I'd be most grateful if I could be given some assitance with another little something from a manga:

いつもは着ないような服を着てライトを浴びてカメラに 向かう。 そうすると地味で内向的でつまらない自分か ら解放される気がする。 自分をしばる自分らしさから。

It's just that last part I just can't understand. 「自分をしばる」 = "Bind oneself"??
Read carefully and you will logically find that:

「地味で内向的でつまらない自分」  「自分をしばる自分」

「から」 is used twice. 「解放される気がする」 is omitted right after the second one. Think about why it can it be omitted. It is because what is said in front of each 「から」 is similar to each other.

「自分をしばる」 means "tying oneself to the world within the little shell", "to control one's own passions", "to repress one's emotions", etc.

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Last edited by masaegu : 08-26-2011 at 02:36 AM.