Originally Posted by masaegu
1. No idea. Never heard it.
Err, I'm sorry. Maybe I should have posted the context as well.
I'm not sure if this would make it clearer. I don't think I typed the line incorrectly, though. I googled before asking, and the word seems to be used, but I couldn't find any definition. Do you happen to figure out anything from the context?
I see. It was a kanji, not a kana. Thank you.
3. 「きてみる」 + 「は」. "I came over to see what was going on and how I might be of help."
This 「は」 reflects a very Japanese way of thinking. You decided to come but found out that there was nothing you could do to help; therefore, you do not want to sound as if your arrival was worth mentioning.
This is interesting. Thanks again for the explanation