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JF Ossan
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Google Translate Does Not Work - 08-26-2011, 04:20 PM

In the Language Help section the generous folks that take their time to give assistance to those struggling with the language always appreciate (and sometimes demand) that the person with a question give their own attempt at a translation before giving a free answer.

Of course for some people, with no Japanese background whatsoever, this is more difficult.

However, I am seeing more and more often people "making an attempt" by using Google Translate, Babelfish, or other online translators.

The point of this thread is to say, that doesn't count. Undoubtedly they get a gibberish response causing even more confusion.

Online (or "machine") Japanese translators work alright for single words and very simple phrases, but even child-level language will be mashed into language mush because of the vast difference between Japanese and English.

Bottom Line: Don't use an online translator as your "attempt" to translate that game text, email, instructions, etc. There is something about doing it the old-fashioned way: it works!
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