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(#20 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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08-26-2011, 07:10 PM

I understand that's how it is currently, but resentment, anger and hostility won't go away that easily. With the European economy struggleing and many EU countries on the verge of finacial collapse, they won't be so chummy. Germany, with it's successful economy will be seen through the eyes of jelousy. Germans will become suspicious of others intent. We have seen this book written before in Europe and around the world.

Bearclaw; I agree about the Dark ages was Europe takeing a step back. The barbarians destroyed the Roman empire and with it went all the technicians, arcitects, masons, doctors, writers and artists. They basically had to relearn everything from scratch. As much as people hate empires, they bring civilization.

Last edited by Ryzorian : 08-26-2011 at 07:14 PM.
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