maybe it is the case where they are taught racism these days. however, there was a point when first white people met first asians, blacks and the rest of ethnicities. what was the first thing they did once they saw them - war and slavery. even now you could easily go to amazon jungle to some never seen tribe. will the first thing be mutual understanding? no. first will come fear from both sides, not knowing what to expect and looking for things that might threaten each other not help each other.
what i am trying to say is that it is in our nature to basically eat each other. like Joker said "when chips are down, these people, these civilized people will eat each other". and it doesn't take much at all for the "chips" to go down.
Ryzorian. those 14 out of 100 are today's statistics
war often wastes more resources that it gains. that is why it is called action of fools. do you think your 3 trillions and deaths that war in middle east has piled up will pay off? and even if it does, do you think the gain will be enough?
and please. don't be so ignorant. just because america spends the sickest amounts of money to efficiently kill people, doesn't mean they are going to succeed. why russia or china doesn't do the same? because they know they don't have to. no matter how much americans spend, those countries still can and will put up an equal fight with the military they already have.
only reason i think why america is continuing the trend of spending is because half of its population works for the military and a lot of people would get upset if the budged would get cut. but on the other hand the same money could employ the same people in more useful jobs.
btw. i think usa doesn't go to war even thou you talk about you perfect defence systems is because of these statistics.
"Pentagon data shows that 75
percent of those aged 17 to 24 don't even qualify to take the test
because they are physically unfit, have a criminal record or didn't
graduate high school.
Nearly one-fourth of the students who try to join the
U.S. Army fail its entrance exam, painting a grim picture of an
education system that produces graduates who can't answer basic math,
science and reading questions, according to a new study released Tuesday."
so yea...can't win a war without soldiers. and Japan will get the robots first, so you are f***ed.