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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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08-27-2011, 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Not to confuse you, but the particle 「も」 can also be placed in the middle of the verb phrases we just discussed.

Suppose you have a gross-looking pie in front of you and you already dislike it even before taking a bite. But you decided to give it a try anyway. You may say afterwards:


Don't worry about confusing me with simple grammar points; I'm at a level now where a new grammar point given to me isn't confusing. It's when I encounter new stuff in the wild and Google isn't helping to solve the problem (i.e., the usual search for "CONFUSING_THING 文法 説明" doesn't reveal useful information). I tried to google ては(みる) 文法 and the searches didn't turn up real grammar help. Just examples.

Does も place even more of an emphasis on the preceding verb than は? Maybe that's the wrong way of describing the difference, but it's my first attempt at integrating 〜てもみる into my knowledge.