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(#7 (permalink))
Pogopuschel (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 34
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Tokyo, Japan
08-27-2011, 08:40 PM

I agree with acjama. English teaching is all good if you plan to stay in Japan for a short while but it doesn't have future prospects if you want to raise a family. Sure, the starting salary isn't too bad but the chances of advancing your career ar very slim, you'll be stuck with that 250,000 job for a long time.

On top of that I think it's very difficult to experience real Japan as an English teacher. You'll meet other foreigners (and English-speaking Japanese) as your colleagues and be stuck in a "English teacher bubble". Personally I lots of English teachers who've been in Japan for 5+ years but can barely speak any Japanese and only have foreign friends. These are also the people who complain about Japan or Japanese in general. Of course it always depends on the person, but it's very easy to fall into such a pattern if you are teaching English.

In order to have chances at a regular Japanese company you should have at least JLPT N2. If you study hard enough you can probably go from N4 -> N2 within 6 months if you're in Japan. Also, I actually discourage you from working for a traditional Japanese company, working conditions will be very though and pay will be low. Of course it always depends, but there are lot s of bad experiences and regrets I've heard of.

Personally I think the best thing you can do in terms of long-term prospects in Japan is working for a large foreign company or starting your own business.

Last edited by Pogopuschel : 08-27-2011 at 08:43 PM.
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