Thread: Patriotism
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(#99 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2009
08-29-2011, 06:06 PM

Politically Correct is just thought police foreceing people to conform to what they think is "the right way to think".

Gonative, without the drive that "greed" brings you won't have anyone striveing to build homes, grow food, build elctro dams, creat medicine, fly to space. They would all sit around listlissly, wither and die. Survival is nature's instinctive way to insure species propogation and it's all about greed. You drive away any one else who competes with your ability to survive and only form unions and alliances with those who help your ability to survive.

While I do agree that your utopian culture would be wonderful, it's not practical with how man is built genetically. I do believe there will be a day when that sociaty will exist, but it will be force and destruction that ushures it's arrival.
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