Woah, I haven't been able to check up on the thread since I made it and now it's this long already... wow
Originally Posted by DragonNL
Nationalism is cured by traveling. - Shakira Mebarak
When I get more time I'll be sure to pick out some more people's posts and reply to them too, but I'll just quickly give attention to this one.
To be honest, I'm not really sure what the difference between 'nationalism' and 'patriotism' is, so what I say now may just be completely wrong, so if it is I'm sorry ^^;
But if nationalism is somewhat similar to patriotism, then I can't say that quote by Shakira has applied to me at all... in fact the opposite!
Before I spent my period of time in the Far East and South-East Asia, I didn't think highly of Britain at all.
But then it seemed
after my travels,
that's when my higher appreciation of Britain came. Only after travel can you see what your home truly has, and realize what you take for granted.