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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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09-01-2011, 07:32 PM

Originally Posted by Dogburp View Post
in the sentence それは良かったけど、最近デジタル黒板や学生は授業中 ノートブックを使うことが増えました。 This needs to be rewritten as well I think, I'd like to covey that both the digital blackboard and the students that fiddle with their laptops during class are becoming more and more "regular".
Your sentence basically says "That is good, but recently, as for Digital Blackboard, students[, and other things], the use of in-class notebooks expanded."

I see that you're trying to create a clause out of "学生は授業中ノートブックを使う" but aren't doing it right. You should make the predicate a modifier for the subject.

Take this as an example: "Oil paintings that my girlfriend painted have become popular." This would be rendered effectively as 彼女の描いた油絵は人気になってきた。 Actually, I'm guessing you're at a level where you would not have learned to use の at the beginning, but が instead. But の sounds better. But if you haven't learned it yet, you shouldn't use it.

Now reconsider your sentence structure there!

in 全然便利じゃないだと思います。 should I remove the だbeforeと思います?
Yes. Absolutely. Why did you put it in the first place?

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 09-01-2011 at 07:35 PM.
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