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chiuchimu (Offline)
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09-03-2011, 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post

Statistics are fine, but I can assure you, logic formed through common sense is not something you should dismiss as invalid. I could find a chart for each nation reinforcing the notion that one is better than the other.

No, K-pop is not bigger than J-pop; J-pop seems to be older and, therefore, has a more stable position in the world.

Yes, at the rate that it's growing, K-pop could possibly surpass J-pop in some aspects.

Whichever is better depends on your taste and level of education (believe it or not).

People on these forums can be so biased. It's disturbing.
Kpop-philes can't stand it that Jpop is 8 times bigger. It makes them so mad! lol. Accept the fact, Jpop has strong following worldwide. Total Jpop fans worldwide is bigger than Kpop fans worldwide.

Kpop is exporting Idols like Kara & SNSD. What's western about that? Idol music be it Kpop or Jpop are both low quality cutie-y music. Do you actually think america will embrace KARA? Get real...

Only Kpop-philes think Kpop is better than Jpop. I listen to both and i like both. The only true difference between the music is one is sung in Korean and the other in Japanese. NORMAL people pick songs because they like them, not by the nationality that sings it.

Only an idiot Kpop-phile would say something like:
"Kpop is better than Jpop"

How could every pop song made by one country be better than all the pop songs made by another? Only way is if the judge is a biased delusional Kpop-phile.

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