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(#6 (permalink))
JBaymore (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: New Hampshire, USA
09-03-2011, 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Looked everywhere on the website but was unable to find an email address.
I cannot imagine facilities like these not handling Kuroneko or another service, though, because any small B&B would.

May I make a phone call and ask for you? They do not even answer calls on weekends, so it wil be Monday at the earliest.
Thanks very much for going to that trouble! Yeah ....... I too scoured every single page on both the English and the Japanese sections of the webiste. There is not a single email address to be found anywhere. I've also done general searches on the web.... no joy. I think they do not like email .

And I too cannot imagine that this is not possible. Takkyubin service is a core part of life for all travelers in Japan.

Yes, I would not mind that at all and would appreciate it greatly... since you are right there in Tokyo. Yoroshiku, oengai shimasu.

It is important to note that we are not being housed at the "Yoyogi Youth Hostel" but at the OMYC itself.

Here is the address and phone that I have been given:

National Olympics Memorial Youth Center (NYC)
3-1, Yoyogi Kamizono-cho,Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0052, Japan

Tel: +81-3-3469-2525
Fax: +81-3-3469-2277

First of all I need to know if this is possible FROM THEIR END. Please tell them that KuroNeko in Japan has already told me directly that they CAN deliver there.

If they can do it, I also need to know where the luggage will be available for us to pick up (what building in the complex), and when the most convenient hours are for them for us to do that.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH . Monday is of course fine.


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