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GilnoKoibito (Offline)
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A little help translating please! - 09-04-2011, 12:53 AM

I ordered a doujinshi recently and was curious as to what the center part is about.
I can translate the names easily enough since I already know them (plus they're a little weird to most people but I can easily figure out the katakana used for them since I know all the character names already.) And I know that on one page it is talking about the character profiles (height, weight, and something I don't quite understand about their birth months and blood type...(I would really like to know about that part and why it mentions more than one for each character...) I mostly have trouble with all the kanji...hence why I can't translate it myself.)
So, I was curious if anyone could look at these and would be willing to either translate those pages OR explain to me what is going on in each one? (It doesn't include any actual word bubbles or anything as it seems to be more about the character data and fan-related going on's.)
I asked someone on Yahoo! Answers to help me out and she told me about one of the pages, which was very helpful! Except...she only told me about the one page... not so helpful...
Even if someone just tells me what is going on in each page I'd be more than happy! (Except where a character named Gil (or Raamugarnas too!) is mentioned as he's my favorite and I'd really like to be able to read what it says when it comes to him!) Other than that a basic idea of what's on each page would be fine!

The pics of it I scanned are here:
DK-Mix Scans | Facebook

Starting with picture #10, all of those that are after the picture of the moon, stars, and wing.
Please help me! Onegai!!!
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