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(#8 (permalink))
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conanaras (Offline)
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Location: Greece
09-05-2011, 11:40 AM

Hello again!

The translation of the first 2 cards was a tremendous success, let's see if we can make it a streak of 3

This time, we have a cute Cleric girl casting an all-time favourite spell, Dispel Magic! The text this time is quite short, but it contains some difficult characters I couldn't find a copy of, to place them into the translator.

1)Name of the card: ディスペルマジック
Google translation: Dispel Magic.

Translation seems okay, please correct me if I am wrong ;D

2)Text of the card: See picture
Google translation: None

No clue here. Please help It would also help me if you could write the japanese characters of the text here, so I can copy paste them to the translator in my future attempts of translation. Especially that damned second character of the text: I couldn't find it anywhere!

Looking forward to see what this card actually does

1 + 1 = 2... Unless it CRITS!
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