09-05-2011, 03:44 PM
I can well understand that it would be good for a Japanese teacher who is teaching young japanese children some basics of the English language. Obviously it would be easier for children to learn from someone who speaks their own language to then teach them basic English or any other language they wish to learn. I believe that young children pick up languages really quickly. Here in UK we should be teaching languages from an early age.
Someone poo pooed the EFL Courses for those who wish to teach English to speakers of another language. But it retraces all the grammar etc that is needed to teach someone else.
I wonder why here in UK we have so many foreign students coming here to study English from an English teacher? I do believe its important to mix with people who speak the language naturally. If I went to Japan I would want to learn from a Japanese teacher--but it would help if that teacher could also speak my language so there could be explanations.
What do Japanese teachers of their own language have to do-- to be qualified to teach Japanese to foreign students? do they have tests?