Since you said you were curious from your own projects, I thought I'd throw these up here so you can get an idea of some of the things I've encountered (that weren't because of my leaping over long sentences at a single bound
だが彼の生徒達は次々に......まるでつかれたように自殺 をはじめ、生き残った子供達も極端な暴力的性向に変化 してゆく。
However, one after another, several of his students committed suicide, and those who did not, became extremely violent.
Pero poco a poco sus alumnos fueron suicidándose uno tras otro como empujados por algo, y los que sobrevivieron se convirtieron en agresores sexuales extraordinariamente violentos.
But little by little his students were committing suicide one after another as if compelled by something, and those who survived became extremely violent sex offenders)
So...not only do I not see anything in the Japanese about being pushed or compelled, but where did that bit about them being sex offenders come from?
On top of that, I think these are junior high students or younger that he's talking about.
でも右油危機あたりから景気が後退し、掌を返したよう に出て行けなんていわれはじめた。ああ、こういうもん かなあと思ったな。
Then the oil crisis and recession came and my attitude quickly changed when they began to tell us to leave. 'Ah, was this what I had wished for?' I thought.
Pero cuando hubo la crisis del petróleo, la economia se resintió y nos empezaron a decir que nos marcharamos. Entonces me di cuenta de cómo estaban realmente la cosas.
But when the oil crisis came, the economy suffered and they began to tell us to leave. Then I realized how things really were.)
He's talking about how the Turkish guest workers were treated in Germany in the 70s. There's not much difference here, but the Japanese sentiment seems more regretful (assuming that's what it says), while the Spanish seems more cynical. Or it could just be that I'm missing the nuances in both languages!
You're a pious Muslim, is that correct?
Usted es un hombre muy religioso, ?verdad?
I just wonder why they'd leave out the religion of a "very religious man"? That he's a Muslim is evident later on the page, so they weren't trying to hide it, and it's plainly stated in the Japanese.
しかもミランはチャペックの命を狙っていた。テンマが 警官に見つかったのも、ミランの行動をチャペックが察 知し、警察に身辺警護を依頼していたかららしい。
Moreover, Milan was after Chapek's life. Evidently Chapek had sensed this from Milan's behavior, and with Tenma's being discovered by the police, he had requested police bodyguards.
Además, Milan estaba pensando en matar a Capek. Si la policía había encontrado a Tenma era porque Capek estaba vigilando los movimientos de Milan y había pedido que le ofrecieran protección.
Also, Milan was planning to kill Chapek. If the police had found Tenma, it was because Chapek was watching Milan's movements and had asked for protection.)
As I read the Japanese, I think it's saying that Chapek got nervous from the vibes he was getting from Milan, and with the added threat of Tenma being discovered lurking around the area too, Chapek got himself some bodyguards. But the Spanish is saying that Tenma was discovered
because Chapek already had police bodyguards hanging about. So are these different, or have I got the Japanese all wrong (as usual!)?