お___りさわぎ > お祭りさわぎ
懐中電灯___たせて > 懐中電灯持たせて
__照らして > 空照らして
あの屋は末のが照らしてる > あの星は私が照らして る
やっと___さ > やっとこさ = colloquialism for "finally"
___119-0161 > 〒119-0161
She uses an illustration but it is usually written as 〒 and it means "the postal code".
集英ネエ > 集英社
気___ > 気付
Originally Posted by delacroix01
Finally, is there any difference between 吹き出す and 噴き出す? Or are they just synonyms?
吹き出す = small-scale phenomena such as trees beginning to bud
噴き出す = large-scale phenomena such as a geyser