Originally Posted by TerenceLau
What is the word for hem or hemming? How would you say "our store doesn't have a hemming service" or something similar to that regard?
「すそ上げ」 is the word.
For tonight the shopping mall is having a fashion event. My store is giving out 40% off of the most expensive regularly priced item (within the transaction), then 25% off for the rest of the regular price items.
Here's my take on it. Please lend me help correcting my sentence and making it natural sounding. I'd much appreciate if you could provide any easier way of conveying the message.
一番高い正価の商品が40パーセントを割引していただ けます。その他の正価の商品が25パーセントを割引し ていただけます。
The biggest problem with your phrases is that you are saying that it is the addressee (the customer), not your store, who is giving the discounts.
「していただけます」 >>> 「させていただきます 」
「まとめ買いをされるお客様には、定価の最も高い商品 を40%OFFにて、さらにその他の商品を全て定価の 25%OFFにて販売させていただきます。」