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masaegu (Offline)
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いろいろな順位 - 09-09-2011, 05:40 AM

Here is a clip of my favorite comedian バカリズム. Enjoy!


Vocabulary Help:

Part 1: ~~0:46
順位(じゅんい) = rankings, order.
松葉杖(まつばづえ) = a crutch
へん = a kanji radical

ベスト3 = the top 3
最下位(さいかい) = last in ranking

Part 2: ~~1:21
武器(ぶき) = a weapon
名産品(めいさんひん) = a local specialty
コシヒカリ = an expensive brand of rice from Niigata
かつお = a bonito
もつ鍋(なべ) = a pot dish of chicken intestines
しらす = name of a tiny fish

Part 3: ~~2:50
似合う(にあう) = to be suitable
像(ぞう) = a statue
デートしてみたい像 = the statue that you feel like dating

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