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sutekidane (Offline)
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Posts: 45
Join Date: Sep 2011
09-10-2011, 11:26 AM

So what's your point, that just like Japan's rise was not a threat to the US and the West, China's rise will turn out to be peaceful?

If I were you I would not try to teach a stranger, who you know nothing about, meaning of simple English words, that is just plain bad manners and silly. Is English your native tongue? If it is, then there is not much point in debating with you, is there? what I am saying is that the US and the West collectively screwed up big time and they did not just screw themselves, but screwed the rest of the world as well, by handing it in a platter to the Chinese and the Indians. So really, I am not interested in debating with loosers from the US, Europe, ANZ etc., sorry. I am in a Japanese forum to find out how the Japanese are thinking first hand, not to get second hand opinion of some native English speaker about how the Japanese are thinking about their vital national interest.

The West has failed the world, not just on this issue, but on many others. So spare us your brilliant ideas and confusions which have created this problem to begin with, so we can hear about how to solve a serious problem. And be happy when the US becomes another Brazil and Europe becomes another Latin America, states with limited global influence, under your new Chinese and Indian masters.

Last edited by sutekidane : 09-10-2011 at 11:43 AM.
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