09-10-2011, 06:29 PM
People must realize that as much as China and the US bicker with each other a lot of it is political posturing. Both countries can not afford to the economies of either fail. I feel some people do not understand just how intertwined the US and China are economically and also some fail to realize just how long the US has actually been friends with China. Both countries know that a step in the wrong direction will send the globe economy to the 9th layer of hell. When people have no jobs are starving and have no money they riot and the last thing China wants is to get their citizens in an uproar. China becoming dominate economically will eventually happen but you will also see the rise of other nations like India. The US is very resourceful and innovative when it comes to the changing of the tides. Right now the country is unsure of itself like a teenager that is not sure of his/her place in the world. China has to bring over a billion people out of poverty to middle class status. Do you know how hard and how long that will take and thats assuming their upturn continues. Their inflation got a break this week and leveling off but their housing market is still unstable. China has a lot of problems it must over come and the biggest being the huge gap between rich and poor.
Chinas problem is not economic its that many countries only to do business with Japan not share policy and China has no clue how to manage global affairs they have always looked inward. Majority of China's neighbors are fearful of them this is not exactly a great image for China. Economic powerhouse yes that will happen Super Power in terms of global domination i highly doubt it.
Also, lets not forget that over 80% of China's Million and Billionaires leave and or want to leave China when they can. So they are making money in China then leaving. Because they are fearful the government can just take what they have earned. In China you dont own your own house and for any reason you can be investigated. So again people seem economic partnerships with China but people are rushing to live there like people rush to live in the US. Btw out of those 80% 68% of China's rich move to a residence in the US where they later obtain citizenship and stay here.
Last edited by Sinestra : 09-10-2011 at 06:39 PM.