Originally Posted by Atredies
the us dollar is managed horribly by stupid people in the federal reserve. our politicians in the white house has lost in touch with reality. now america needs china. i think it is time for a closer cooperation between america and china. the american public definitely should give up taiwan for our country's survival.
do not think china as our enemy. china is our best friend no matter what the global circumstances are. i am glad that i am learning mandarin and some japanese.
US dollar management was the least of the problems. In the name of capitalism and free market, Wall street, business and corporations, with politicians and supreme court in their pocket, have betrayed their national interest, in fact I would say they have committed treason. Any nation that obviously would become a future security threat, that kind of nation should never have been given unrestricted market access and made a full member of WTO. But the greedy made their billions, while the country itself and the rest of the world has to deal with the looming monster that US and European corporations have created. Also, with 9/11, they started a new crusader war, that still continues, after 5 trillions in loss, so I guess they were also busy with something that made their position even weaker. So US is a thoroughly screwed up country with its elite making their billions in China and India and in GWOT crusader war effort, while the middle class have been gutted and now people cannot even find burger flipping jobs, forget about manufacturing. Europe and specially Germany did a little better, but it is also very busy in giving out all its best technology to China.
Among nations of the world, there is no permanent enemy or permanent friends, only interests. When interests coincide, people work together, when they don't, they go to war. Economic war is more common between far away nations, while territorial dispute is more common among neighbor nations. As long as there are individual countries, protecting a certain ethnic group or multi-ethnic nation and its cultural space, then there will be wars between them, unless they decide to join themselves in a Union like European Union.
Like Korean and Japanese, some people will learn Mandarin, may be because they want to live in China and get some benefit from the Chinese, but it will not unseat the global language called English, because there can be only one global language and it definitely will not be Mandarin.