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JohnBraden (Offline)
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09-11-2011, 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
I think it is sad to want to forget these sort of things. Here in UK we have Remembrance day every November 11th.
Yes, we have that day here as well. It is Veterans Day, though many wouldn't really know why it's on that day. Perhaps if it were called Armistice Day here, then some people would know. We also have Memorial Day and now it seems 9/11 Day is going to be commemorated every year as well.

History is important-- we need to try to learn from history and be grateful to those who gave up their lives for ours.
Just because I feel it is a little overkill with all the memorials and commemorations doesn't mean I feel we should totally forget about it. I just felt all the attention may have been a bit too much....
I grew up during world war two and no way do I wish to forget. Forgetting is an insult to all those who died.

I am still researching the pacific war-- I had been too ignorant about it.

can we learn lessons from the mistakes of the past?

Its so easy to be glib-- it is also heartless.
It's not about forgetting, but it's also not harping about it either.


we have been watching the services from ZERO ONE where the names of each lost person was spoken aloud. The same thing happened in London. No doubt those who lost loved ones in 9/11 elsewhere will also have wished to commemorate the memory of their loved ones who were lost.

Those brave firemen who tried to rescue those trapped in that inferno-- many of those died.
I respect the comments people make about this and of course I honor those who died that day and in the ten years following that day. I was just expressing my opinions on how I feel about the 10 year anniversary as was the intended topic of this thread, not about what happened that day....
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