Does anyone own one / a few
Or has anyone heard of them? you may know them
under the term (actually a brand) Dollfie.
I have a Dream of Doll Lahoo named Kazuya.
He is a prince ^_^ its nice to take him to places.
Considering this forum is mostly about games, i decided to post this!
BJDs are Ball Jointed Dolls that come in a variety of sizes. They are usually
all anatomically correct and life like or all bishounen/bishoujo. ^_^
The common sizes for 1/3 dolls are (for guys) 60cm-70cm and (for girls) 55cm-62cm. And there also are 1/4 size and 1/5-6 size dolls ranging at 15cm-45cm tall!! so cute, ne?
Although, because they are nice dolls....they also come with a nice price.
I have (ok, well my parents have) spent at least £1000 so far ....yes, so far. on my BJD. But they make great companions and are lovely to have around.
There are different types of owners though. Active owners - who take their dolls out and about, and treat them like people almost (like me) and Passive owners - who prefer to have the BJDs as ornaments, and have one-two outfits for them, and just collect them and leave them on shelves or display stands.
I prefer being an Active owner, because they really seem alive sometimes.
If anyone has seen Ihnyongesa... dont be put off. and you can imagine how much that set would have cost in the foyer. with all the dolls and clothes/accessories on each of them. (most sets of clothes cost between $100-250!*sometimes not inc. shoes!)I believe the do form souls at some point, if you really cherish them.
Anyway, here is Kazuya Young-so Lim (my doll)