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xYinniex (Offline)
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09-12-2011, 02:48 PM

Like any sort of diet, Vegetarianism is good for most people, and I have millions of friends who are and they actually prefer it that way. Cuz it's less effort to cook, and also it keeps you healthier. I used to try to eat veggie every other day and meat alternatively because it's cheaper, especially if you're a poor student. I rather spend money on a salad than meat because i'd prefer the salad.

On the side of non-veggie though, it can be hard for some people to STAY veggie, not because they hate it. But because their body can't take it. Megan Fox and Julia Stiles had to stop being vegetarian for a while because they felt that whereas it did help their weight go down, they weren't able to get much strength from their diet. Like they needed more protein. Not to say Vegetarianism isn't bad, but everyone has different vegetarian diets. Not all vegetarian diets are the same. Like one person might love peppers and the next veggie might hate them.

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