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sutekidane (Offline)
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09-12-2011, 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Eh, this doesn't bother me at all. China becomes strong, asserts itself by picking fight with US. US get's knocked to ground, get's back up, angery and motivated to again Dominate world.

It's what's leapfroged us repeatedly since we were founded. The US needs somebody to motivate them, otherwise they just laze along. The US is a continant surounded by two oceans. It is a connected continant with one base lanquage and governmental system. No matter how weak it may appear, those key factors will allways allow it to build and dominate very quickly.

Just like WW2, many depression closed factories were opened and those shut down car plants started building tanks, planes and bombs enmass. Japan learned the hard way that the US is not a country you want to motivate agressively.

Now yes, I do agree that the WTO and Nafta got to go, that's the first thing. Repeal those and China sinks back into oblivion.
China will not pick a fight, till they have all the technology R & D in house, till they have locked in sources of natural resources in different parts of the globe, till they have armed forces and weapon systems that is overwhelmingly superior to what the US can afford, till they have secured allies that follow their line or neutrals who will stay aloof - and then with a gentle push they will unseat the global monarch to take its place.

Will the US wake up before that, I am convinced they will not, because the 2% elite that has bought up US political class and SCOTUS, is with the Chinese and Indians in this game, though they themselves cannot understand their self destructive behavior, believing in a naive benign brotherly love of humanity and thinking that their billions will buy them happiness where ever they are on the globe, Singapore, Beijing or Mumbai.

After the fall of the Soviets, for two decades the US helped China and India to gain the upper hand. Since 9/11 it has wasted $ 5 trillion and engaged in a new endless crusade that still continues. So that alienates a fourth of the global population. All this while the Billionaires continue to make ever more billions and cheer lead the US to its doom.

The US is screwed.
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