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09-13-2011, 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
Er, maybe this could be considered fashion, but I've lately wondered why so many Japanese construction workers wear those super baggy pants when on the job. At least from my perspective, I always thought it best to wear fitted clothing; enough space to move around, but not enough to get any loose fabric caught on anything. But I always see Japanese workers with these giant MC Hammer-esque pants that don't seem very safe for any kind of labor job. Why do they wear these pants?
Long long ago, the father of a guy I was kind of dating ran a construction company... And I asked why wear those type of pants and the shoes with split toes.
He told me it was a safety measure. When the pants are large, you pay more attention to your legs. If the pants hit something, it gives you warning before you actually hit your leg and hurt yourself. Catching your pants on the corner of a piece of sharp steel is a lot less damaging than catching your leg on it.

The shoes are for balance - easier to hold your balance when the sole is split at the toe.

He found it kind of odd that people would consider tighter pants better as things spilled on them would hit the skin, they would offer no warning about something tool close, etc.

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