Originally Posted by sutekidane
More intertwined than ever before, but still separate enough. Will the US accept the Chinese lording over them?
People become thinkers and innovators, how? They have a good upbringing when they grow up, food, nutrition, education etc., and they have time to contemplate on issues and problems to look for solutions. Chinese and Indians like all people will have plenty of this human characteristic as they move up the ladder in their social evolution. Japanese, Koreans and Taiwanese are good examples of this process.
Intertwined but separate but not as separate as you think. Do you know what would happen to the world economy if both China and US started playing a pissing match or both economies failed it would send the markets around the world crashing into the 9th layer of hell. China knows as well as the US that their economies are too intertwined to ever be pulled apart it would cause both countries to fall. As much as both countries bicker with each other its political posturing which every strong nation does to keep up appearances. You can predict when China and the US are about to have disagreement its a couple of times a year at the same time.
Innovation is what brings a country wealth in the long run. China is not very innovative its very good at copying others. Even many of China's elite state that the school system there is a problem they dont teach you how to think they teach you how to memorize. Innovation bring patents and eventually industry behind that patent and once the industry is formed jobs are produced. For example the purpose of grade school education is to give you the tools to comprehend material reading, math, history ect. The purpose of Higher education University level is to teach you "how to think" Japan has the same problem lots of memorization but they dont teach you how to think. Now the Japanese are naturally inventive so they are very innovative which has bee part of their rise. You can be human all you want but if you are told to learn how to memorize since you were child thats what you will do thats how you were taught.Food and Nutrion is basic form of life and upbringing so im not sure how that relevant to my discussion on Innovation and thinking independently.
China will not lord over the US it wont happen and its not me be some psycho US all the way person. I have traveled and lived many different countries. China has a long way to go do i see them as equal partner to the US eventually yes i do. But Americans by their core nature because of history will never accept some presiding over them like a king or queen. We are very tenacious and tend to put our individual problems when we are faced with a common problem we have done so many times before.
China will not pick a fight, till they have all the technology R & D in house, till they have locked in sources of natural resources in different parts of the globe, till they have armed forces and weapon systems that is overwhelmingly superior to what the US can afford, till they have secured allies that follow their line or neutrals who will stay aloof - and then with a gentle push they will unseat the global monarch to take its place.
Will the US wake up before that, I am convinced they will not, because the 2% elite that has bought up US political class and SCOTUS, is with the Chinese and Indians in this game, though they themselves cannot understand their self destructive behavior, believing in a naive benign brotherly love of humanity and thinking that their billions will buy them happiness where ever they are on the globe, Singapore, Beijing or Mumbai.
After the fall of the Soviets, for two decades the US helped China and India to gain the upper hand. Since 9/11 it has wasted $ 5 trillion and engaged in a new endless crusade that still continues. So that alienates a fourth of the global population. All this while the Billionaires continue to make ever more billions and cheer lead the US to its doom.
The US is screwed.
Iv looked over all your data and im fairly confident that the US is not screwed in the sense that you think unless you are from the future and have come back to give us a warning.
Trust me when i tell you this if there is one thing the US will always spend money on its futuristic weapons to keep this country safe. This goes back to innovation again the US is one of the leaders when it comes to developing new military weapons. China for example debut a video of its newest gen fighter last year. After looking at the footage experts found out that there was no new fighter and the video was excerpts the movie Top Gun

. China claims they have a carrier killer missile. Now im not going to go into full detail it will take too long. I will just say this no country on the planet has a system so accurate and stealth that a missile that can bypass a carrier fleet including all the frigates, battleships, aerial interceptors (fighters and missiles) and a number of other counter measures trust me its not happening. China is outfitting its first Carrier an old Russian now its just for practice and China will indeed have Carriers in the future but they dont have the infrastructure nor the knowledge of building super carriers and how to run them. Carriers is what allows a nation to project its military might across the globe. China is still working on catching up to the US the US is already working on Sea Based drones (predators) that can be launched from air craft carriers can stay in the air for over 24 hours and can fly hundreds of miles from the carrier. China does not even have a drone program yet. This is just 5% of what i could tell you about.
gentle persuasion doesnt work against the US and hammer would only enrage the country not a good idea. China's allies they are alienating their neighbors by bullying them. The upper 2% of the Elites in America that are pretty much ruining this country will have they day. They will not stay in power for too long. Hell the rich in this country are afraid to be seen as spending too much money. America has a short but successful history of standing form and weathering the storm and persevering through hard times. We may not always do things right no country does but we always seem to bounce back stronger than ever. Again China will not rule the world i dont think any country will like i said i think the term "Super Power" will be extinct in 50 years because of the direction the world is heading in. China will take their rightful place and so will India however not in the way you are thinking. You will live to see a new era of cooperation. But thats just my opinion.
I agree the elite 2% are complete morons, but anyone who tries to cow tow the US will be destroyed. Americans are just that way about it. The masses will replace the idiot 2% who bow to somebody with someone who will kick ass and take names. China isn't stupid they know Americans would destroy anyone they felt threatened thier position. Not many country's out there obsess about being #1 like the US does.
Pretty much lol i love the way you put it.