Originally Posted by Ryzorian
I agree the elite 2% are complete morons, but anyone who tries to cow tow the US will be destroyed. Americans are just that way about it. The masses will replace the idiot 2% who bow to somebody with someone who will kick ass and take names. China isn't stupid they know Americans would destroy anyone they felt threatened thier position. Not many country's out there obsess about being #1 like the US does.
Well, masses will rise up is wishful thinking, the elite control the masses with TV, radio and newspaper. I will have to see it to believe that the masses in the US will do such a thing. Plus the people in the US are clueless about the whole world. The political class is totally corrupt and slave of the billionaires. One example of how clueless Americans are: the US meddles in almost every corner of the globe, specially in the middle east to get cheap oil and to help Israel, but when 9/11 happens, they say: Oh these Muslims hate our freedom, where the reality is that the US has been doing everything possible to deprive Muslims of their freedom, propping up dictators and kings. Then they attack two Muslim countries and end up killing several hundred thousand people. With Arab Spring this has changed just recently, as the US now sees no other choice but to help Arabs with their struggle for freedom. So if you are hoping and depending on the masses to rise up, fat chance that it will happen. Like the movie matrix, their mind is in a dream land. What ever the media spoon feeds them, they believe.
Originally Posted by tazzy
Hell, there aren't enough resources in the world for the whole of China as it currently stands to be as rich as the west or Japan- IMO this is going to have to wait a good century or so when China's population has halved.
China has a 9-11% growth rate now. We will have to see to believe that their growth rate will go down. The reality now and for the last 20 years have been different and there is no reason to assume that this will change any time soon, unless we see it actually happen. Of course there is not enough for everyone, resource on this planet is finite, so it is a zero sum game. It means Chinese and Indians will keep getting richer and rich nations getting poorer, till they eventually become almost same.
Goldman Sachs | Global Economic Outlook - Highlights
World Bank, World Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer
Originally Posted by Sinestra
.....China knows as well as the US that their economies are too intertwined to ever be pulled apart it would cause both countries to fall.....
Innovation is what brings a country wealth in the long run. .....You can be human all you want but if you are told to learn how to memorize since you were child thats what you will do thats how you were taught. Food and Nutrion is basic form of life and upbringing so im not sure how that relevant to my discussion on Innovation and thinking independently....
China will not lord over the US it wont happen....
unless you are from the future and have come back to give us a warning....
This goes back to innovation again the US is one of the leaders when it comes to developing new military weapons....
The upper 2% of the Elites in America that are pretty much ruining this country will have they day. They will not stay in power for too long.
USA and China will work together for some years, China will not bother the US for at least 15-20 years till it has good enough R&D to develop and produce the best weapons in the world, after that it will lord over the US.
Innovation is a function of social evolution and of course food and nutrition plays a big role in how creative a brain is. Garbage in garbage out, you are what you eat. If Koreans can be as innovative as Americans (Hyundai Equus beats any American luxury car in quality) then China can do it as well, in about 15-20 years. Food problems among different people:
- American: too much meat and dairy, a lot of processed factory made junk food and fast food
- Chinese: too much fried food, MSG
- Korean: too much salt
- Japanese: not bad, except for deep fried tempura (heating any plant based oil is carcinogenic)
People should eat as much raw organic and as little cooked food as possible.
About me from being future, my predictions are based on some theory I have developed about human society and their evolution looking at historical events in the past 1000 years. I can go into details if there is some interest.
Now a little Arabian Nights style story. Once upon a time there used to live a headman of a fishing village. He was the strongest man in his village and could easily tackle any men. One day while fishing at sea, he found two bottles. He opened the bottles and out came two genies. The genies were small and obedient, so he decided to keep them for his work. They were doing good work for him. One of them was faster than the other. Both of them were growing, but the faster genie was eating more and also growing faster. So everyday the headman was looking at them and thnking, what a great thing I found them.
As they kept growing, the faster genie was now almost twice as big as the headman and almost twice as strong. Now the headman grew worried. It told the smaller genie which was about his size, that in case this big genie turn against us, we need to stay together and the genie replied, yes yes my master. But when the big genie really turned, it took a lot of villagers on its side and the smaller genie stayed out of the conflict. So the headman then lost his position without a fight. The slower genie kept growing and it too found some followers in the village and now the former headman was really down and out, as even the smaller genie didn't listen to him anymore.
Francis Fukuyama said after end of cold war that it was "end of history", that is a globalized world is going to live happily ever after, then 9/11 happened. But there is more to come. The game is just beginning, in my opinion. 9/11 was only a side story, that got America all worked up, whipped up old memory of crusade and made it bankrupt with $5 trillion in loss with two wars and expensive "homeland" security in its panic, all the while the Chinese and Indians laughing at what the US was doing to itself.