09-14-2011, 07:04 PM
Truth hurts?
To put your hand some place, make a mess, create instability and then claim that it is not my fault, what can we call that, living in denial?
9/11 was perpetrated by a some few hundred or may be a few thousand criminals and a govt. that provided them sanctuary who even wanted to put these criminals in trial. So what was needed was rounding up of these criminals and bring them to justice. Instead what we got was an expensive Crusade that still continues, all for the benefit of private security contractors, Haliburton and the military-industrial complex, making more billions for the billionaires, while the taxpayers pick up the tab and those hapless Muslims pay with their blood. More than 15% of US population now slipped under poverty line, many living in third world condition. And to solve this, the Republicans want more austerity, privatize Social Security and give their retirement money to the casino called Wall street.
I don't support Ron Paul's economic policy, but whenever he says that American's need a realistic foreign policy, he is booed off the stage, that just happened in the latest Tea party debate. American's still don't have a clue what they need to do, I wish they did, it would be better for the world, but unfortunately for the world, as well as Japan, they don't.
So please don't get angry at people like me for saying it in your face and calling a spade a spade, instead get angry with your politicians and your elite who are laughing all the way to the bank, unless of course you are one of them.
Last edited by sutekidane : 09-14-2011 at 07:32 PM.