Originally Posted by sutekidane
Truth hurts?
To put your hand some place, make a mess, create instability and then claim that it is not my fault, what can we call that, living in denial?
9/11 was perpetrated by a some few hundred or may be a few thousand criminals and a govt. that provided them sanctuary who even wanted to put these criminals in trial. So what was needed was rounding up of these criminals and bring them to justice. Instead what we got was an expensive Crusade that still continues, all for the benefit of private security contractors, Haliburton and the military-industrial complex, making more billions for the billionaires, while the taxpayers pick up the tab and those hapless Muslims pay with their blood. More than 15% of US population now slipped under poverty line, many living in third world condition. And to solve this, the Republicans want more austerity, privatize Social Security and give their retirement money to the casino called Wall street.
I don't support Ron Paul's economic policy, but whenever he says that American's need a realistic foreign policy, he is booed off the stage, that just happened in the latest Tea party debate. American's still don't have a clue what they need to do, I wish they did, it would be better for the world, but unfortunately for the world, as well as Japan, they don't.
So please don't get angry at people like me for saying it in your face and calling a spade a spade, instead get angry with your politicians and your elite who are laughing all the way to the bank, unless of course you are one of them.
First of all of half of your arguments dont hold weight and im not trying to be an asshole im trying to make you realize you base your arguments of your own pre conceived notions of right and wrong and several of your facts can dismissed as speculation especially without using sources. I could sit here and bad mouth ever single nation of the planet and spin it to my advantage try me, every nation has their deep dark little secrets.
You mention the tea party and i can hardly take you seriously anymore. The tea party does not care whats best for America by America i mean (normal citizens) they want to bring back a period of history in America and that will never happen. Ron Pauls idea of the US need a new foreign policy agenda is accurate however what he purposes is ridiculous and im pretty sure he would like the US to be Isolationist country again. The Tea Party booed him which i could care less about because the fringe elements are the worse kind people in my opinion. I trust the Tea Party about as much as i would trust the mob with my life savings.
I work for a living thank you. I paid my way through school with my own money by working, getting scholarships and grants. I did depend of my parents for a dime. I work for a fortune 500 company that i got on my own merit. I pay my bills and live within my means so no im not Elitist im just a normal person making my way in life and along the way if happen to see bullshit flying around i will say look theres some bullshit blowing in the air namely half of the crap that you have spouted. They are your opinions not FACT which you clearly try to make habit of. I could very easily sit here and bash the living hell out of whatever country you are from but that's me being a bigot and i dont generalize a population over a few individuals.
For all the talking that you do you dont understand Americans at all several posters have already tried to explain it to you but you bypass it keep your blinders on and keep on your one way track. You hardly understand anything about Japanese politics or economic policy which you made obvious in your previous post. You need to go to Japan and live there for several years so you can understand just how they think. The worse thing is you have no idea of what i was upset about which was one thing and in your post you failed to mention it, when any polite person would have realized that they made a pretty bad comment and would have either explained it or apologized. You did neither nor did you strengthen your position.
The US response to 9/11 was overkill multiple person including myself have stated that. I did not and even still did not agree with the invasion of Iraq. It was lead on false pretenses and inflicted on the American people by Bush. Afghanistan is another story, you go where the fight is and thats where they were. The fact that multiple nations some of those who had suffered terrorist attacks themselves joined the coalition showed that the international community response to it was proper. This is a war and just like in any war civilians die. Does it make it right No but that is the reality. However, what do you think is going to happen when a suicide bomber runs into a crowded market or place of worship and blows himself up heres a hint (people die) what do you think happens when insurgents use human shields? heres another hint (people die) humanity itself has not learned to work its problems out peacefully this is not something new its human nature. When you have a group of people doesn't matter if they are Christian or Muslim who twist the words of holy books to suite their needs you get a organization like the Taliban or Al-Qaeda or even IRA.
Does that mean all Muslims are evil of course not, do the ends justify means, not always. But like you said all Americans are the same no different so that means the Chinese Americans, African Americans, European Americans, Pacific Islander Americans, Latin Americans, Muslim American and Native Americans are all clueless. According to your expert opinion there is no difference between us and we all think the same therefore if i followed what you state that means i should hate all Muslims because of 9/11, i should hate Caucasians because some of my ancestors were Slaves hell that means i should hate the Japanese because of the Pearl Harbor. This is what would happen if i generalized everyone like you do. For the record the Middle East has been unstable for centuries again the US is not innocent by any means however you must also look at how they have treated their own people centuries.
You seem to think you know whats best for everyone. So here are a few words straight from the street. "Put up or shut up" if you think you have the answers then do something about it, instead of sitting on your throne and casting down bolts of lighting like you are Zeus. You want to help those people that are in need and you say the government doesn't care then do it. I can give you plenty of information on where to volunteer to help the homeless, work in soup kitchens and tutor children after school and numerous other programs all of which i do 3-4 days out of every month.
So in the end NO the truth doesn't hurt the truth only hurts when you are in denial and when someone states something truthful. Don't ever insult me like you did on the previous page. You know what else would be good for the world if China would stop having 34 children per min then practicing Female Infanticide just sayin not trying to judge or anything :-/