Originally Posted by phishy
The price im looking at right now for my flight from nyc and my hotel for 13 nights is only 2000 usd. And thats for an actual room...not some capsule hotel or hostel. So the rooms cant be too expensive.
Seems about right, but still kind of low. I went kind of high and am going to hit about $3000 for flight and hotel for 14 nights.
I am sick of hostels/business hotels and sick of stop-overs that add an extra 8 hours to an already SUPER LONG day of traveling. I find the more stop-overs/initial time traveled, adds to my jet-lag recovery time when I actually get there. Coming back is not as bad because it doesn't really matter, but when I want to get out there and explore, but feel like crap, it is a bummer.
Anyway, this is directed at you and not paulski, but don't forget that the dollar is getting absolutely killed by the yen right now, so factor in about 25% more for everything you're going to be doing in Japan.