Audio reveals billionaire Koch brothers' secret political seminar
Comments on above please.
As far as I can remember, Tea Party (not the original one in Boston some centuries ago) as an idea was started by Ron Paul, but then the movement was hijacked by billionaire corporate sponsors like Koch brothers. Tea Party is now a part of the Republican Party, a party that always has been controlled by the elite 2%. So when a Tea Party member says that he is fighting the 2% elite, do we sense something wrong with the picture here, or is it just me. Another foot soldier of the clueless brigade?
In the recent Tea Party presidential debate, Ron Paul was booed, when he mentioned about his isolationist foreign policy, this shows how far they have moved away from the founder of the movement. As I said before, I don't support isolationism, but Ron Paul, far more than any other politically correct politician, talks about the expensive and meaningless wars and shows some rudimentary understanding of geopolitics, specially the irrationality of the conflicting parties in the middle-east and his desire to not get involved in it, mainly because of fiscal and monetary reasons.
Sinestra, we don't know each other in person, so lets not get upset about ideas we debate on the internet and make it personal. We are discussing broad ideas about nations, their actions in the past and future projections, I would appreciate if you keep it objective and keep your patriotic emotions out of this debate. Regardless, I will answer all your charges that you made about me, about how I have insulted a people or put them down, with generalization and painting them with a broad brush, in a later post.
My goal is to discuss ideas, without getting entangled with emotions.
Since you work in a fortune 500 company, you should know about contingency planning, there is plan A, B ..... J, at least 10 different plans has to be in place for developing scenario. I would like to think that what we are doing here is considering different alternate future scenario and the plans for these scenario. This concerns the US and all its allies including Japan.
Claiming that some future possibility will never happen because of some of our opinions, will only break down the process of exploring these future scenario and the different road map and plan options to tackle these possible future scenario.
As for shutting me up, if I broke any forum rules, of course I will be banned, but till then, I guess I will have the right to express my opinion, just as any other forum members. You have the right to report me to admins and I welcome the admins to tell me if I have done anything wrong and broke any forum rules.