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AmgedIsmail (Offline)
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Posts: 78
Join Date: Aug 2011
[Help] Japanese Verbs - 09-15-2011, 01:27 AM

The verb "buy"
What is the affirmative and negative form of it?
I studied that we should add masu to make it affirmative.
and add "masen" to make it negative.
And I searched in a dictionary about the verb "buy" and I found that it has the meaning "kaituro かいとる".
So, can I add "masu" and "masen" to it?
kaitorumasu かいとるます
kaitorumasen かいとるません

ِAnd generally, can I add these two suffixes to any transitive verb?
Currently I studied the verbs "eat", "drink", "play,do", "read", "go", "come" that can have "masu" and "masen" to them.

eat "tabemasu たべます" Don't/Doesn't eat "tabemasen たべません"
drink "nomimasu のみます" Don't/Doesn't drink "nomimasen のみません"
play "shimasu します" Don't/Doesn't play "shimasen しません"
read "yomimasu よみます" Don't/Doesn't read "yomimasen よみません"
go "ikimasu いきます" Don't/Doesn't come "ikimasen いきません"
come "kimasu きます" Don't/Doesn't come "kimasen きません"

So what about verbs like buy??

Last edited by AmgedIsmail : 09-15-2011 at 01:30 AM.
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