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(#6 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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09-15-2011, 05:26 AM

Originally Posted by AmgedIsmail View Post
You are not Japanese I assume...
I see from your Location "Texas" which is the 2nd largest US state, and I also picked this info from Wikipedia. I just typed in Google "Where is Texas" to check whether you're Japanese.
Some American people who would embarrass people like that

I already did what John has asked me to do... and thanked him, so this thread should be closed in my opinion.
but you just keep talking and embarrassing people.

Are you just happy now when you replied to this???
What are you talking about? What is there to be embarrassed about?

Also, the mods don't just close threads willy nilly here.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 09-15-2011 at 05:29 AM.
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