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(#49 (permalink))
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pumpum (Offline)
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09-15-2011, 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Its funny how people like you always forget the good but remember all the bad about the US.
You say that he must look at the good instead of only looking at the bad, but the thing is the BAD so spectacularily outweighs the good so as to make it almost irrelevant.

Maybe it is you who should stop concentrating on the few grains of good and pay more attention to the tidal wave of bad.

As for China ruling the world or impacting the dominance of the USA - The truth is - who knows? we can make logical guesses but they are still just guesses, tomorrow an earthquake could swallow up either country or any other.

My own opinion is this and it is a fact - America is the most corrupt, greedy, hypocritical and murderous empire to have ever existed in human history on this planet, so whoever takes over doesnt really matter to me, they surely could not be worse.

The things that come to those who wait are the things that are left by those who got there first !
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