Thread: how much£££?
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JF Ossan
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09-15-2011, 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by Cola View Post
I would not recommend this as a long-term option due to certain difficulties which I'll go into in a moment, but if, say, you actually do try to do that capsule hotel thing and get sick of it, I've heard that sometimes love hotels can be a cheap place to spend the night, sometimes. I'm sure you'd have to shop around to find out, though. Fortunately, they're easy to spot - just look for the gaudiest, brightest hotel you can find. The sleaze should also tip you off.

The problem with this option (again, going purely off hearsay) is that the owners usually are for some reason leery about renting a room to just one person - perhaps they think you're just trying to snoop around and take pictures, either for your own "enjoyment" or perhaps as a private investigator or as an attempt at blackmail? I've heard that especially single foreigners may be refused service. However, many of the more modern love hotels apparently have completely automated service, in which case there's no person to stop you from going on up.

Again though, due to the risk of rejection of service, I wouldn't make this your main hotel option. I'm not even sure if they really are cheaper than any other type of hotel. Just tuck this information in the back of your mind as an option you can try in the event that you are sick of wherever you were staying already and just need a place to spend a single night.

Edit: Oh, I see you might be coming with your girlfriend, which would make getting a room in a love hotel a lot easier. Again though, no idea if they really are all that cheap or not . . .
People don't tend to spend the night alone in Love Hotels because they tend to be much more expensive than business hotels. Also you cannot leave and return at your leisure (you generally aren't given a key, and the door locks behind you). Check out time is early. Not a good plan.
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