09-16-2011, 01:09 AM
I don't disagree that Inda and China have the ability to become world powers, and yes, once they reach that satus they will mess around with smaller neighbors they can bully, it allways happens. However India was a colony of Britain for over 400 years and they think similerly to the english on many things. It is highly probable that they will see China more as a threat and will look to Nato or US as counter balance.
Nor do I disagree that the USA is haveing a down year. This doesn't mean the USA is out of contention simply because it also meets all the requirements for superpower status that you mentioned. Sure we dropped all our marbles, but we can pick them back up.
The US absorbs over 25% of the worlds resources, but if you check historically, once it reached the Pacific it allways did. Even back in the early 1900's it was running in the low 20's.
The New York Yankee's will allways be a threat to win it all, Just like USA is going to be a superpower reguardless of the diddle heads in charge.
Oh and yes, Social security and medicare and all that, it has to go. That's not the government's job and never was. Peeps need to learn to take care of themselves, the USA was founded on the idea you made your own way or you died. You didn't retire, not unless you got rich. Medical was if you could afford it. The USA is a harsh country, roughly 40% of immigrants return to thier native lands cause they can't hack it here. IT's Freedom baby, Liberty stands with those who stand tough, not those who rely on government.
Pumpum; Be glad the US doesn't behave like those old world empires did, as bad as you think we are, it would be far worse. See, we actually try to help people, wether you think so or not I frankly don't care. We spend ( waste) billions saveing people from disease, dictators, famine, natural disasters. Even countries we invade we try to rebuild. Iraq and Afganistan, had we been like Rome, or the Inca's or The Babylonians...they wouldn't exist anymore, they would be molten slag heaps on a glass sheet.
Last edited by Ryzorian : 09-16-2011 at 01:24 AM.